How to migrate Vesta to new server

0 6 years ago

Migration, who not need! Vesta control panel user can feel free while it has very good built-in backup and restore system. You can migrate your Vesta CP server even without single minute of down time and it very easy.

How? How can you migrate Vesta without down time?

Let’s see. step step by guide to migrate your server to new one whether it is VPS or dedicated no matter.

First login to SSH. If you have local backup enabled in Vesta, go into this dir /home/backup by typing

 # cd /home/backup

now type

# ls

if you have a backup file it should show a file name like this ‘admin.2019-07-02_00-27-37.tar’ if there is nothing create a backup by typing below command for admin user

# v-backup-user admin

if you want to take another user backup then replace admin with your other username. Now wait until backup process end and you got a file name like ‘admin.2019-07-02_00-27-37.tar’ in /home/backup directory.

Now copy that backup file to new server using this command

# scp your-backup-file-name.tar your-new-server-IP-here:/home/backup/

Remember, if you new VPS or dedicated server’s SSH port number is diffrent than 22 then you should have to mention SSH port number in above command like below

# scp -p your-ssh-port-number-here your-backup-file-name.tar your-new-server-IP-here:/home/backup/

Now wait until progress bar show copy file to new server 100% done. When it done login to new server SSH type restore command as below

# v-restore-user admin your-backup-file-name.tar

if above command not work try below command

# /usr/local/vesta/bin/v-restore-user admin your-backup-file-name.tar

Now backup restoring process should start, wait until it finished like below image

Vesta backup restore successful screen

If you satisfied with restoration screen then go forward and change your domain ‘A’ record toward your new server from your domain control panel. Or if you like to use your own ‘NS’ record then you have to create ns1 & ns2 records in your new Vesta control panel, You can see this article to do so. Also check why could be best choice for your Vesta installation.

If you have any error during backup restore process and need assistance let us know in comment, usually we reply within few hours.