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How to move your blog from Blogger to WordPress

Blogger by Google is a very good platform not only for starter but also for serious blogger too. If you created a blog in Blogger, but later if you decided to move it to WordPress, it is not hard to do. You can download your backup which is in XML format from Blogger then import that XML into your WordPress site.

How can I do that?

Easy, first login to your Blogger. Then download your blog as below.

See above image. Click on ‘Other’ under ‘Settings’ which is showing in green circle, now click on ‘Back up Content’ button showing in red circle. It will download a XML file in to your computer. Now follow below steps.

After getting blogger’s XML file, go in to your WordPress blog as below image.

In above image see there is green circle, click on ‘Import’ there, now see red circle, click on ‘Install Now’ for installing Blogger importer. After installation done there should be a link ‘Run Importer’ , click on that then choose your XML file from your computer which you just downloaded from, now click on ‘Upload and Import’ button, after few moment which is depend on the size of your blog, your Blogger’s posts should be in your WordPress site. If you are in search of a reliable WordPress hosting you can try our Web hosting solutions which are optimized to run WordPress smoothly.

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