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What is CDN? And Why You Need It?
Category: Optimization Author: Servers9 Date: 12 months ago Comments: 0

CDN stands for Content Delivery Network. It is a network of servers distributed across different geographic locations that work together to deliver web content to users from the server that is closest to them.

CDNs work by caching content such as images, videos, and other static files on edge servers located at various points around the world. When a user requests a resource from a website, the request is routed to the closest edge server, which then delivers the content to the user. This reduces the latency and load on the website’s origin server, improving the website’s performance and user experience.

CDNs are commonly used by large websites and online services to deliver their content quickly and reliably to users all around the world. They are particularly useful for websites that have a global audience or serve a large amount of static content, such as media files or software downloads.

Why you need it?

CDNs are useful for several reasons:

  1. Faster content delivery: By using a CDN, content can be delivered from a server that is geographically closer to the user, reducing the distance that data must travel and improving the speed of content delivery. This results in faster website load times, which can improve user experience and increase user engagement.
  2. Increased website reliability: CDNs can help improve website reliability by distributing website content across multiple servers. If one server goes down or experiences high traffic, the CDN can automatically redirect traffic to another server, ensuring that the website remains available to users.
  3. Improved scalability: Websites that experience sudden surges in traffic can strain their servers and cause slow load times or crashes. CDNs can help mitigate this issue by distributing traffic across multiple servers, making it easier for websites to handle large amounts of traffic.
  4. Reduced server load: By using a CDN to deliver content, the load on a website’s origin server can be reduced. This means that the origin server can focus on handling dynamic content, such as database queries, while the CDN handles the delivery of static content.

Overall, CDNs can help improve website performance, reliability, and scalability, making them an important tool for websites that want to provide a fast and reliable user experience to their users.

How to make a website super fast?
Category: General,Optimization Author: Servers9 Date: 12 months ago Comments: 0

There are several steps you can take to make a website super fast, check below list and ensure you didn’t missed a single one while anyone the below list could impact your website’s page loading time.

Choose a fast web hosting provider

Choose a hosting provider that offers fast servers and good network connectivity. Shared hosting plans can be slower than VPS or dedicated hosting plans, so consider upgrading if necessary.

Optimize images

Large images can slow down a website. Optimize images by compressing them and using the right format (e.g., JPEG for photographs, PNG for graphics).

Minimize HTTP requests

Minimize the number of HTTP requests needed to load your website by reducing the number of scripts, stylesheets, and images on your page.

Use a content delivery network (CDN)

While latency could kill your website’s page loading speed you must use a hosting service as much closer to your users/customers location or simply use a CDN service, A CDN stores your website’s files on multiple servers worldwide, allowing visitors to access your website from the closest server, reducing load times.

Enable browser caching

Browser caching saves a copy of your website on a user’s device, allowing the website to load faster the next time they visit.

Optimize code

Optimize your website’s code by minimizing and compressing CSS and JavaScript files. This will reduce the size of your files, resulting in faster load times.

Use a caching plugin

Caching plugins store frequently used data, reducing the number of database queries needed to generate a page and improving performance.

Minimize redirects

Redirects can slow down your website, so minimize the number of redirects needed to reach your content.

By following above steps, you can significantly improve your website’s speed, resulting in better user experience, higher search engine rankings, and increased conversions.

Why you need a fast web hosting?
Category: General,Optimization Author: Servers9 Date: 12 months ago Comments: 0

Whether your are a writer, entrepreneur or just a blogger your website’s loading speed should be fast as much as possible. Before you start making a fast website you must have a fast web hosting service first, otherwise all other optimizations will have no effect for a slow web hosting. Besides that there are several reasons why having a fast web hosting is important:

  1. Better User Experience: A fast website provides a better user experience to your visitors. Slow websites can be frustrating and may cause users to leave your site before even giving it a chance.
  2. Improved SEO: Speed is a crucial factor in determining your website’s ranking on search engines. A fast website will rank higher than a slow website, resulting in more visibility and traffic.
  3. Higher Conversion Rates: A fast website will lead to higher conversion rates, as visitors are more likely to stay on your site and make a purchase if they can quickly and easily navigate through it.
  4. Increased Customer Satisfaction: A fast website can improve customer satisfaction, leading to repeat business and positive reviews.
  5. Improved Website Security: Fast hosting can also improve website security by providing the latest software updates and security patches to protect your website from cyber attacks.

Overall, having a fast web hosting can significantly impact your website’s performance, user experience, and business success specially if you an eCommerce website.

How latency slow down a website’s page load speed?
Category: Optimization Author: Servers9 Date: 12 months ago Comments: 0

Latency refers to the time delay between the moment a user sends a request to load a webpage and the moment they receive a response. This delay can be caused by various factors, including network congestion, server load, and geographic distance between the user and the server.

Latency can slow down a website’s page load speed in several ways.

First, if the latency is high, it will take longer for the user’s browser to establish a connection with the server, which can significantly increase the time it takes to receive a response.

Second, if the website has a lot of small files, such as images or scripts, latency can increase the time it takes for the browser to request and receive each file. This is because each file requires a separate request and response, and each request is subject to latency.

Third, latency can affect the performance of dynamic content on a website, such as interactive features or videos. If the latency is high, the browser may not receive data fast enough to display the content smoothly, causing delays and interruptions.

Overall, high latency can have a significant impact on a website’s page load speed, making it slower and less responsive for users. To improve page load speed, it’s important to reduce latency wherever possible by optimizing server performance, minimizing the size and number of files on the website, and using content delivery networks (CDNs) to distribute content closer to users.

How to reduce latency for speeding up your website’s page loading time?

Reducing latency is an important factor in speeding up website page loading time. Here are several ways to reduce latency and improve website performance:

  1. Use a content delivery network (CDN): A CDN is a network of servers that cache website content and distribute it to users from the server closest to their location. This can significantly reduce latency and improve page loading time.
  2. Optimize images and files: Large images and files can slow down website performance. Optimizing images and compressing files can reduce their size and decrease the time it takes to load them.
  3. Minimize HTTP requests: Each HTTP request adds latency to website loading time. Minimizing the number of HTTP requests can reduce latency and improve website performance. This can be done by combining files, using CSS sprites, and reducing the number of plugins and third-party scripts.
  4. Use a fast web host: The speed and reliability of a web host can affect website performance. Choosing a fast and reliable web host can help reduce latency and improve page loading time.
  5. Enable caching: Caching stores website content locally on the user’s device, reducing the need to download content from the server. Enabling caching can improve website performance and reduce latency.
  6. Optimize code and scripts: Poorly optimized code and scripts can slow down website performance. Optimizing code and scripts can reduce latency and improve page loading time.
  7. Use Geo Located Servers: Before doing any other optimizations first move your website on the geo located servers, nearest location of your targeted audience/customers which is proven page load timing booster for any type of websites. If you are in search for Geolocated servers, you can find one with our Web hosting plans.

By implementing these strategies, website owners can reduce latency and improve website performance, resulting in faster page loading times and a better user experience.

3 SEO Tips to Help Optimize Your Website
Category: Optimization Author: Servers9 Date: 1 year ago Comments: 0

Planning for a better content marketing strategy? We have some tips for you that will ensure that you get a better idea of how to optimize your website.

1. Take the time out to understand the basics of SEO

Before you can understand the tactics that will get you better SEO optimization, you must go back to the basics. The simplest way to do this is to provide your audience with the content they want. If you can do this better than anyone else, you would have taken a huge leap forward in your endeavor to optimize your content for search engines.

But how do you know what your clients want? Put yourself in your audience’s shoes and think about what they want to hear from you. Forget about the content you, as a business owner, want to provide your clients.

Next, take a deep dive into how search engines work – how Google determines its rankings, and follow those steps diligently.

2. Speak the same language as your customers

In step 1, you would have figured out what questions they want answers to. Now the next step is to figure out how they ask these questions, what are the words they use, and the most popular search terms. All these must be incorporated into your content.

Make use of SEO tools that research keyword alternatives and the search volume of these alternative keywords. Use a mix of the most searched terms in your industry.

3. Provide extremely useful content

Content includes blogs, videos, articles, website content, and so much more. Content must be provided across a variety of channels, including the website and social medial. Use different types of content to ensure you provide content for different types of audiences. When creating content that is useful and engaging, take the help of thought leaders in your industry – they will be able to tell you what kind of content is required and also provide you with the right information to create quality content.

3 WordPress Tricks You Can’t Ignore
Category: Optimization Author: Servers9 Date: 1 year ago Comments: 0

Are you just starting off on WordPress? Did you know that at least 30% of the internet is powered by WordPress? Welcome to the ever-growing WordPress family. As easy as WordPress is to use, newbies can do better with help. We’ve put together three tricks that will help you use the WordPress platform – tricks that will help you even when you become a pro at using WordPress.

1. Find a reliable hosting provider

One of the first things you must do before you start using the WordPress platform is to choose a hosting provider. A web hosting provider is necessary to ensure your website goes live on the internet. But there are other reasons to find a good web hosting provider as well – the hosting provider will provide you with all the necessary resources to handle your website’s traffic, avoid crashes, lessen downtime, and also give you fast website speeds.

2. Choose your theme wisely

Choosing a theme can be confusing – especially if you have not chosen a theme for a website before. With a variety of themes available to choose from, you could end up choosing an inappropriate theme. Theme demos allow you to view a theme. You can even try out some of them before honing in on one that is appropriate for your project.

3. Don’t forget to install an SEO plugin

One of the most important aspects of any successful website is how SEO-friendly it is. To rank high in search engine results, your website must be SEO-optimized. By installing an SEO plugin, you can ensure your site is SEO-optimized because these plugins can correctly analyze your keywords and content and manage all the technical details like sitemaps and robots.txt.

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